
If this is your 1st LogIn
You Must Change the Password

No Need to Enter a Username or Password

Just Click the ‘Forgot Password‘ Link
Follow the Instructions in the EMail Sent to You

What to
Expect Next

You will receive an EMail in your INBox (check your spam folder), to change your password.  After changing your password, you will be redirected to Login.

Then, After Login…

After Logging in, you will be re-directed to your Member Profile.  There you can edit, and update your Profile. There are some required fields in the new profile.

Important Notice…

We have assigned temporary default Usernames for all PJ Association Members. 

When you receive the Password Reset, notice the default Username format, and write it down, as it applies to you. 

Usernames can be changed only by Administrators.  We can help.. Just submit a with a ‘Login Help’ request from you.